Pursuant to Section 18 of Act No. 213/1977 Coll. on Non-Profit Organizations Providing Generally Beneficial Services as amended , the following are the bodies of the non-profit organization Danubiana – Centrum moderného umenia:
Honorary Chair:
Gerard Meulensteen
Members on Behalf of the Ministry of Culture of the SR:
Peter Lukáč
Zora Petrášová
Bohdana Hromádková
Martin Šugár
Members on Behalf of Via Danubia, s.r.o.:
Peter Pollág - chair
Annelie Meulensteen
Milan Lukáč
Members on Behalf of the Ministry of Culture of the SR:
Paulína Szentesi
Members on Behalf of Via Danubia, s.r.o.:
Lucia Krošláková
Vincent Polakovič, since the founding of the non-profit organization