The Danubiana presents sculptures by Kata Kissoczy, which are symbolic signs of the past decade. In the 1980s Kissoczy was part of the distinctive young generation which continued in the work of the European Transavantgarde and Neue Wilde. From 1985 to 1987 various forms of puzzles became typical for her work and attracted the attention of foreign gallerists. She later expressed her wit and humor in original compositions of figural fragments. However, the relief and spatial 3-D features of finished metal waste remained in them for her entire development period. Her 2010 exhibition entitled RestArt featured compositions of objects and environments of wood. Afterwards, she discovered the charm and beauty of cut off pieces of metal sheets and pieces of belts with interesting technical ornamentations created by laser cutting, which she welded and shaped to create unconventional compositions of geometrizing and figurative elements. The constructive combination of mostly found shape modules is variable, but the confrontation of motion and statics appears in mobile heads and diverse variable spatial objects. A metal head-shaped object, a distinctive eye, inserted glass or another found object changes depending on shifts in light and color, making the metal object dynamic and playful. Natural or artificial light in connection with virtual, mechanical, and motor motion, acquires original spatial bonds. Visual-kinetic and light-kinetic bonds, an almost scenic effect which frequently creates new beauty before our eyes, but is primarily a shadow play of welded metal belts, ornamentations and plates. In the mysterious space and time of Kata Kissoczy, but also in our own internal and external worlds.
Dagmar Kudoláni Srnenská
Kata Kissoczy je sochárka, scénografka a dizajnérka, narodila sa 2. januára 1956 v Prešove. 1974 – 1980 štúdium na Divadelnej akadémii múzických umení, Praha, odbor divadelná scénografia. 1987 – 2000 v Holandsku a New Yorku študijný pobyt. Spolupráca s filmovými ateliérmi Barrandov, Praha, pôsobila ako scénografka v divadle HADI, Brno a Prostějov. V roku 1980 založila alternatívny priestor Dolinecká Praha, kde organizovala so Slovenskou novou vlnou fotografie výstavy, divadlo a koncerty. Od 1996 vlastná galéria Art Puzzle, Praha. 2008 založila Ateliér EM v Bratislave, Hommage á Erna Masarovičová, významná sochárka a matka Katy Kissoczyovej, kde organizuje medzinárodné výtvarné sympóziá. Od 2013 vedie Galériu Záhrada – open air sochárska expozícia. 1986 získala Čestné uznanie WCC, Bratislava,1995 Bavorskú štátnu cenu za dizajn, Mníchov. Žije v Prahe a Bratislave.